Daily Business book summaries
We read business books everyday out of habit and most days we share our learnings in our community.
If you are an avid reader too, you are welcome to share your learnings too. If not, leverage these summaries for better understanding of business principles.
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We often curate business related content like founder success stories, saas tools, business strategies and more and as a community member you get early access to these curations from our community feed.
Feedback and idea validation is an essential part of building a new business or a digital product.
You can leverage this community to ask questions and get feedback on your product, landing page, business model etc and try to iterate further.
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Struggles are part of startup journey, every business struggles with some or other challenges.
But you don't have to face them alone, you can take guidance from community members and try to find some starting point to solve those challenges.
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You can showcase your product in our demo call pods and get feedback on your product and find objections and friction points to improve and iterate upon your product.
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